The Glassco Family

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Makinley's Thanksgiving Feast

This is Makinley and Meri-Lil, her best friend from school. She will live very close to our new house and the girls are very excited.

My sweet little angels having a Thanksgiving Feast together. Maddie got very lucky today she got to go to Macey's Pow Wow and to Makinley's Feast.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Pow Wow at Macey's School

As many of you already know last Monday our family was so lucky to receive one of the first cases of the flu this year. Macey was the lucky winner. She is the one who never gets sick so I was floored when the Dr. said it was the flu. She was very upset that she did not get to go to school and was even more upset that she was going to miss the Pow Wow they were supposed to have on Friday. However, she made a very quick recovery and we were able to attend the Pow Wow for about 3 hours on Friday. She even felt well enough that she stayed until about 1:00 p.m. and then I checked her out so she would not over do it.

They got to make Indian Crafts.
They got to touch and play with animal skins and bones.
Maddie was very excited that she got to attend. She thinks she is as big as Macey and Olivia.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

House Updates

We are moving right along. I know we are making major progress right now and it will slow down in a couple of weeks. But I sure do like it when it moves fast. The house is actually farther along than the picture shows. All the decking is on the roof and the bonus room is framed up. They still have to put the dormers on the side of the bonus room and between the two front gables.

Weather permitting we will get shingles on Monday, our exterior doors will be ready on Tuesday, our windows should arrive one day this week and Barry's dad will start wiring on Monday. If things continue to go well we should be able to start painting and putting down floors the last week in December.

Maddie's Thanksgiving Feast

The girls always have Thanksgiving Feast at their school. The 2 yr old class wasn't sure what it was all about but they sure liked the food. Maddie had to take a ziplock home with her leftovers.

We now know that Maddie does not care for raisins.

Macey's PTO Thanksgiving Program

Macey's class and 5 other classes at the school preformed
Thanksgiving songs for all of the parents at the PTO meeting.

Macey and Olivia have become attached at the hip while they are at school.

More House Pictures

Barry is working faster than I can get pictures posted.

The ditch for the electrical wires and under the house are the
girls favorite partof the house at this point.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

It is Going Up!

I have been very unpaitently waiting to be able to post these pictures. We have finally broke ground. Things are moving really fast but he assures me that it will slow down in a couple of weeks.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Our New Home Site - 9 months and counting!!!

Our future home will set nestled among the beautiful trees. It is approx 3/4 acre lot and yes we do have neighbors on all sides. However, as you can see there is plenty of room between the houses and trees between all of them. Being in town will be an adjustment but we think right now with all of Marc's responsibilities with preaching and the all of the girls starting school this time it will be much easier on our family to get where we need to be. Oh, and get there on time (not my best strong point).

Front View

Rear View

We will have to cut down 5 of the trees in order to put the house where we want it but there will still be plenty of shade. As of right now we should start construction in late September. Marc and I have vowed to make this a pleasant experience. I will let you know how that went when I post a picture of the completed house. The girls are so excited that they are all going to have there own room. They have officially worn out the rainbow with their color choices. Macey wants a yellow bedroom, Makinley wants purple and Maddie (our little tomboy) would like blue. Oh, and they requested their bathroom be pink. (If you are wondering I did put a double vanity sink in their bathroom too.) Marc, my dad and I will be laying the hardwood and tile so please start praying now. When daddy and Marc laid the tile at our old house daddy ended up in Montclair thinking he was having a heart attack. Luckily it was low potassium. Let's just hope everything goes well.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Breakaway 2007

With our positions as youth leaders we are blessed every year to be able to carry our youth to Breakaway in Fort Walton Beach. It is always such a blessing for Marc and myself. You don't get many chances to put life aside and focus on your relationship with God for an entire week, but this trip allows us to do that. Breakaway is very supportive of us and allows us to bring the kids with us so we don't have to be away from them for a week.

This year we had one of our youth saved while we were there, so the entire trip was worth it.

Even though the girls get tired of being in the room as much as they are they do enjoy spending all this time with the youth.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Swimming Lessons

This year we took form Casey Chamblee and what a difference that made. The girls absolutely loved her. Kinley has no fear of the water whatsoever and Casey says Macey is doing so good that she is ready for stroke classes.

Thanks Casey for helping the girls love the water.

Birthday Bash!!

This year we had one big party for all the girls, which was great. We rented a
35ft Slip-n-Slide and the girls had a blast. It was not very slipery so the
man we rented from told us to put baby shampoo on it and that was when the fun began. Since we did not have a permenant dwelling we had the party at Granna
and Poppa's house, it was great except for the stickys in the yard.

A big THANK YOU to Melissa's Mom who made us the WONDERFUL cake for the party.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Back to the Park.

The girls love going to the state park to play at the campgrounds and playing at the beach. They don't care what it looks like but Marc and I think they could do a little better job with the beach part.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Monkey See, Monkey Do!

"You are not monkeys", "Get off the back of the couch", "You know you are not supposed to be climbing up there". For those of you that have ever called my house on any given day that is what you will here me saying to the girls many times during the phone call.

We now know where they get it from.

Maddie's First Pigtails!

We finally have pigtails like our big sissy's. She was so excited she had to sleep with them in that night.

Easter Pictures

With it being as cold as it was on Easter morning this is as good as it was going to get on pictures.

Macey will pose for you all day long no matter what the weather conditions might be.
Makinley does ok with taking pictures but her chin was quivering while we were doing these pictures.
Maddie will never win Miss Photogenic, it is just not her cup of tea.

The Easter Bunny Finally Arrives!

With all of the Easter parties and egg hunts the girls were beginning to think that the Easter Bunny was never going to get here.